Who is cakedjake

MaseDenver: I do RT Mikedecicco: oh. ProFootballTalk: "This sad chapter in the otherwise praiseworthy history of the New ProFootballTalk: This week's ownership meeting figures to be "interesting" RT Mikedecicco: is that you?

MaseDenver: Since I can't come up with a good lie, the truth must suffice: I walked into a wall BrandonSpano: sporthess I don't know about that, Rich. Belichick was a young coach learning his trade in Listen online at Thanks for the reminder. Bronco D also a lot better since teams met in Foxboro and ProFootballTalk: The league's spin cycle currently is on overdrive. ProFootballTalk: gregaiello. Yes, but it's clear Tagliabue would have upheld only fines Enter today!

It's the Manning Wonderland here. How about those Spurs sir? PeterBurnsRadio: wazzucoug99 Although I do like that field! PeterBurnsRadio: Will have to eat cost of 4, tickets? But I owe You everything. Relentless approach! BroncosCentral: Everyday its a new issue. Easy to be drained of motivation when thats the case. BroncosCentral: RT cakedjake: " hjeezay: cakedjake and your heart is usually right" Listen Online BrandonSpano: Don't forget! It's Tuesday, which means that its time for the ChrisHarrisJr fan I will be lighting him on fire.

VicLombardi: Just play the team that's in front of you. If you lose, you're not good enough. First-round bye is overrated. VicLombardi: Everybody keeps harping about the Broncos getting a first-round bye in the BrandonSpano: sporthess Which one? BrandonSpano: sporthess Just moved back down. Gonna be working out soon. VicLombardi: RT therealkathylee: broncos caroling bringing some cheer to the kids childrens Obama clearly wants redistribution of wealth, get something for nothing, much like his own life.

Still undecided? President Obama is up in all of the swing states! Michelle Malkin blaming Obama for waging a war on women. What a wing-nut. Malkin needs a transavaginal untrasound to snap her back to reality. This about sums it up. RT marklevinshow: Obama lie , RT duaneaj: tcot teaparty gop 40 days to go. RT if u r pumped and ready to vote obama out! How f'n funny..! Caught in the process! Now to read some articles on the Romney and Obama debate and fall asleep.

Cartoon of the day Posted! Is that this are the real deal? El modelo y sus incoherencias Religious lunatic still upset about blasphemous artwork from 25 years ago.

Supports attacking obama by misquoting his speeches. Obama in town…traffic bout to be stupid. RT guyalepage: C'est injuste. False its all due to Obama policies. The crowd needs to chant back "My Ass!!! RT realDonaldTrump: 40 days until the election. Crunch time. MittRomney must stay on offense and take the fight to Obama. Judge backs ban lobbyist ban on gov't boards: A federal judge has backed the Obama administration's ban on lobby Tyler says OOPS cont most selfish and infantile -encrypted- that has ever walked this Earth.

RT DavidShuster: Obama's latest ad, now running in 7 states, is simple yet devastatingly effective. Why is everyone shocked about Obama admin lying about Amb's murder? Not to mention Mitt Romney is banning all birth control.

Obama claims MittRomney as written off many of us. That is a political lie. Don't believe him. He's the distraction, dummyhead. Romney too. Obama is more intelligent than both of you combined.

BarackObama obama is the right man. Should Obama add a talent portion to find his next Secretary of State? Vyurkevich says 'duh'. Factual destruction of the crutch republican campaign narrative. BSL does this every fall, not merely a well timed Obama move. Super Creepy: Obama and Clinton push a lie on the American people about a terrorist attack that killed government official and security.

RT taylorntobey: RT taylorntobey: obama looks like a bro. The evidence is obvious to those of us who can't remember Why can't we all just get along and say as a whole that we don't like Obama at all. Why can't we be friends? Must watch this enthusiastic Obama supporter. IJasonAlexander fuck you stupid liberal , you don't know shit you are a Jewish. Obama hate Jewish and Christian. How you can help this.

Parents: What? Friends: What? Teachers: What? Obama: What? Aliens: What? RT linnyitssn: RT linnyitssn: Look at this stat. Obama's 1st year was bad. He can't help the chaos he found. Look what happened after the first year! David Gergen says Pres.

Obama and PM Netanyahu talk often, but didn't mee So the question that arises is that is America still interested in Obama? Niall Ferguson can break it down for you. Time to tear down that Hope'N'Change poster. Republicans lashed out at President Barack Obama and senior administration officials over their evolving description A Jewish PAC, huh? They know Obama is anti-Israel, right? Obama isn't even winning his practice debates.

Sorry but Mitt is just out of touch and the country knows it. That's why Obama is winning where Repub Gov. Tweet me Nov. Im actually embarrassed by my lack of knowledge around the whole frat pledging lifestyle. They did so flanked by the coffins of our slain diplomats Al Frankin is at the Obama office on W. Elizabeth at Shields. Hurry and join us! KeithOlbermann Right on! I am looking forward to four more years of Obama! Al Sharpton predicts Obama's victory in Nov. Either one is scary for teachers though.

The new Socialist government in France has instituted a 75 percent tax rate on millionaires. Imagine how jealous Obama must be. Barack Obama es el mejor presidente de la historia, es tan simpaticooo!!

Is legitimate? Romney isnt exactly representative of a free market either. Those jobs at Bain Capital would've Retweet for Obama! Favorite for Romney! IDG support obama your way! This is Bush's fault? The good old days! No one can dunk the economy like he did.. Liberal as fuck. What about wall street? Both parties forgot about all the fraud from wall street. Both parties play us as fools.

At least you would be helping the economy more then Obama will. Obama, You screwed up the Libya attack.. Even my intellectually challenged Bichon Frise understands.. A ba-conspiracy. Check it out to believe it. Only question is the speed. Last four years have been slow. And President Obama is a son of the Midwest.

Yeah really Chicago tough! JiangxiDad MittRomn Like Mitt's new ad foe 12 million new jobs-being smart not saying how cuz Obama will say, oh I was going to do that --yeah sure u were Obama. Obama passing out cell phones What a loser.

Kid replies: "He approves this message. The real trouble for Obama is that although it's a realistic recovery taking place, an "It could have been worse" campaign is tough. This is brilliant. Glorious use of the F-bomb in this Obama campaign video, featuring Samuel l Jackson.

Bcuz there are just a bunch of clowns anyways. A: We do. Viendo la peli AirForceOne Niggas in Paris. RT kiplet: RT kiplet: So all Obama has to do when Romney lands a zinger is wait for the laughter and applause to die down and then say "Been pract Niggas in Paris". Favorite if you're voting for Obama. Let's see who wins. President Obama is somehow taken seriously attacking corporate excesses, while his many lavish vacations have cost the public multi-millions.

Some of y'all can't even hold a nigga down for 23 hours. But I forget He needs more help. Some of the people around him have not Fresh Dinosaur? Kirsten Powers wants to know "What did they know, and when did they know it? Wow watching this documentary and this girl is saying Obama is a racist and worst then Hitler.

How long does MittRomney think he can keep ducking q's? Obama, Romney are rivals with little personal history; debate will be rare in I found his plan reassuring. I don't care for Obama nor any other politician tho.. Of course, if he does "win" Obama will drag everyone else down with him. Barack Obama shut down the vegans airport. At least I saw Air Force One.

That plane is crazy imposing. Obama's schedule the day after the Libya killings. DavidGregory LI Obama thinks government is the solution to college costs. He said MyOctoberWish Students from Obama's college classes break their silence about his radical ideology. RT Mirandacan: RT Mirandacan: Obama, you send in your drone then you turn your back, on the young 16 year old who loses both legs and an eye to your What is so wrong with this thinking?

Romney Obama gop dnc. I consider him the lo Alot of humans in general are voting for him bc he Giants Just what song is? Revenge Any person at any time do that? European Lol. She got trapped in the process! I was surprised that this can be back! Can't stop laughing. Barack obama " TwitPelajaran: Siapa presiden amerika serikat yang sekarang?

This is crazy! JeremyKyle Haha. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own set of facts. Get the Actual Factuals concerning Prez Obama. We definitely need changing the White House Obama is going to kill this country. Barrack obama " TwitPelajaran: Siapa presiden amerika serikat yang sekarang? So funny! Super-Rich Irony: Why do billionaires feel victimized by Obama? Then government completely takes over.

THAT is the plan. They should resign immediately! RT badgaljerjer: RT badgaljerjer: After helping with obama for america i realized id never move to cincinnati, i dont want to go into politics, but ill That job takes a certain skill.

But he makes an awesome president RT willyjhopuky: Obama isnt quali Is Obama harboring a Bolivian rights abuser?

The MSM lies-says Obama is ahead. I believe in my heart if we all vote, it wi RT aliciadearn Why are we still in Iraq? No war in Iran!

Vote for the only candidate for peace: GovGaryJohnson. Not Obama or Romney. My dog also doesn't care for him. RT tomkadelik: RT tomkadelik: Okay! Question if "Uncle Obama" was done by an "unknown" person what would have been your reaction? Watch it and share it. MzPetra uncle Obama, I like the size of your banana lol lol. Breaking News! Rock your Vote! He just needs some help from the more sluggish Co JoeCienkowski I never realised that Obama torched villages in Kenya.

He really is a naughty boy. Secretary Michael Posner Go Ahead. MittRomney and BarackObama are prepping for their first debate, scheduled for Wednesday night.

Obama is a good president look at his record.. Michael Lewis' description of Obama's weekly pickup bball games and how to elbow the Prez in the face legally. His nickname allegedly used to PoliSarge lol.

Romney will debate him into a corner. New drinking game, take a shot every time Obama says "look" or "uh" while answering. Race tightens with latest Rove electoral map. An Obama election could be the death of America. Look forward to dictator-like behavior, recession, weaker military, more terrorist activity.

RT rkobet: RT rkobet: Excellent point!!! RT middlemom: Romney needs to speak to audience, not to Obama. Obama has gotten a Trash Man to speak for his campaign I'd rather pay more for cigarettes than have Mitt Romney running Honey Boo Boo and Mama v. Obama and Romney. Which one will you watch? RT penowski: RT penowski: Foxnews is trying to start a race war.. RT chrisrockoz: RT chrisrockoz: "I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so.

What if Obama is at Staples Center too? RT thesavvy: RT thesavvy: Obama is apart of that small section of the black community that blames white people in power for ever black problem. Some facts here about New Orleans and federal funding. He is anti America and anti capitalist. DawnRiseth Someone told Obama telling people to pull up their pants wouldn't get him elected.

So he stopped. How f'n crazy..! Demarcus Ware Offers any individual employed this particular? WTF did they eat?!?! Fresh dinosaur. Why she loves welfare, food stamps, and via youtube. VerifyMattHunter Again???? I was surprised that this really is back again!

Monalisa Our god this can be funny! Monalisa Just what tune are these claims? Also a typo. These men put absurdity to shame. NO Mr. Monalisa Could a person clarify this particular? Joe got one. They found his head. Four more years for you, Barack Obama. You go, Barack Obama. And none for Mitt Romney. RT newtgingrich Is Obama planning to move terrorists from gizmo to Illinois?

RT Fredacus: RT Fredacus: Obama would get my vote if he walked out with bands will make her dance playing in the background and the audience clappin Obama is about to Tear Romney and even the people voting for Romney know it l Hey thanks Obama! Did you know Obama would have given OBL a "fair" trial in civilian court if he were captured alive?

Unaccpetable WeCantAfford4More. I know a few White people that be lying to get out of accusations of racism I voted for Obama".. I'm calling tomorrow NationalGirlfriendsDay..

RT baseballcrank: We don't make enough fun of the fact that Obama named his dog after himself. As much as anyone would hate to admit But I agree it is sad why some people hate Obama and have no reason other than his name is obama.

My twitter page is blue. Im voting for Obama. Tf Romney gone do? Romney accomplished 2 goals: assaulted president's record and presented a false moderate-seeming alternative. Obama accomplished nothing. This election should be known as "Pick your Poison". Obama We don? Obama says budgets matter. Yet he hasn't passed one s. Romney se destaca de Obama. It gets exhausting arguing with someone who isn't truthful to make themselves appear likable.

RT prettykellyy: RT prettykellyy: Obama is that nigga. RearBreed TrueLove Inspiring. Jtfawver yea I feel u I jus don't agree with alot of Romney stuff seems like he jus wants too bash Obama but doesn't have a plan. Romney Was RT airwolf RT airwolf Heres my take on last nites debate.

Mitt drove his Monster Truck over Barack's Prieus in the parking lot. Then Mittsla ChrisJM23 obama looked painfully tired and verbally wasn't in rhythm PrinceOfWhailes sumbody said "Anything is better than 4 more years of Obama" thats all he had Actually she comes accross as an idiot!

MelissaTweets I would agree, although his record is his hugest weakness. Obama has to defend by nature. Romney takin away food stamps, financial aid, Obama healthcare, and more an all those are needed by the middle and low classes.

I wish it was a black man running against obama wonder how many blacks will still be screaming for obama I think some y'all racist lol. I'm sure the recordings are already on youtube, u should watch it. Obama remained C. Cool, Calm, Collective. RT tomtomorrow: RT tomtomorrow: Criticism of Obama's lackluster showing aside, goes without saying Romney was a lying sociopath.

Good joke. RT factcheckdotorg: RT factcheckdotorg: Obama says you will get a rebate from insurance cos. But most rebates will go to employers, not individuals. I cut off a car with the Romney sticker. Romney is a failure as a candidate. Je l'aime. TheSoulArtist keithboykin Libby, the choir never left the pew, so I'm wondering whether, on that stage, Obama should've called Mitt out Analysts say Romney was the clear winner of the first presidentialdebate - do you agree?

Cool Name 2. Bin Laden's probably dead How the hell can Obama stand up to our enemies, if he cow Not a v. Will he succeed? Who Wants A Job? I Don't Which Involves EDU I guess it doesn't apply to Obama. Thousand pardons tweeple. I've never retweeted the n-word before. But I heart Obama. Thanks Obama 4 giving Brazil billions to drill offshore but spending billions on fa Lol twerk competitions between Obama and Romney's wives to win president!

Ay ay ayyyyyy! WSJ - Team "O" lost.. Sleight of Hand. Obama's Perk slot 3? Second Chance. I can't believe that is again! My extremely low information voter friend ask me today which political party Obama belongs to MichelleObama was going to vote Obama but don't think so now - undecided and angry at both parties - i will vote none the less Krugman's on fire today.

RT barackobama: Free car magnet! RT politifact: RT politifact: In the debate Obama said 50 million people will lose coverage if health law is repealed. Welch: President manipulating numbers after debate performance He's spent more time at the White House than Rom America deserves the b He's had a bad four years. RT davidaxelrod: RT davidaxelrod: Brutal summer heat yields to seasonable temps, just as election looms.

Is it real, or rigged data from pro-Obama Weath Voneey The same 1's who say Mitt was a cult leader R the same one's hollering abt Obama being a muslim. Obama hopes Bo sends that message to HIM. MittRomney Obama didn't do anything to help the unemployment he just took the credit voteformittromney MittRomney will make a change. Obama's Song. Obama a gutless centrist appeaser. Jawab aya: Nam RT Wojciehowicz: RT Wojciehowicz: If we let Obama's theft and destruction of hope, change, forward, progress, and other such words stand, we deserve the Ahahhahahahahhaha je meuuuuurs la video me tue.

I heard jayz n beyoncy had a 4millon dollar dinner wiv obama President Obama is gonna win the election. Only problem is they were created overseas.

Grdina yup my neighbors got visitors for their Obama sign. Romney seems to contradict himself and make crap up That money What the RobertGBeckel Obama promised to halve deficit and doubled it If so, should we cut him some slack? Election Te You ain't voting for Obama? This is why Obama is a genius for helping green energy.

You guys will vote for him big time when we run outta gas! Romney should ensure Obama doesnt win the election. RelationshipsFallApartBecause You cant stop staring at a 16 year old girls ass. Like Obama. AP Obama has no shame. He will say or do anything to buy votes. RT ronaldkazmiercz: RT ronaldkazmiercz: i am watching presidentialdebate on snl and i do believe obama is winning. RT rsmccain: RT rsmccain: tcot"President Obama is responsible entirely for the closure of that mine and the loss of those jobs.

It really could happen, peeps! He surrendered. Thank you MIttRomney Un amalgame volontaire avec ses origines et une touche de racisme et d'insulte. Chomsky: "there are differences between the parties: how enthusiastically the lemmings should march toward the cliff. Fresh dino I'm shocked a politician flip flopped to get elected then re-elected. Just away from followers!

Romney is showing his softer side, while Obama works to extend his cash advantage as both men begin a final month sprint to Election Day. President Obama wants to end tax loopholes for millionaires, billionaires, wall street bankers and big oil companies. ReTweet This Message. FYI Disrespect is not a verb; it's a noun. English tcot. Romney depending on their ignorance.

It's just math. NoraPettingill Atlas, of course, didn't exist, and Ayn Rand was a sociopath. As for Obama, unlikely we'd ever agree about that. Obama in trouble in Illinois? More Obama lies. Yo: "Vas Happenin? Zayn: Esa es mi chica. MeelDutria van a reeleccion gana obama y pum nos hace la cola :D alguien q recien entra nse si tendria los huevos de ponerla. Since im voting for Romney instead of Obama means I hate black people. Cowboys42 rcooley Obama's added 5 million jobs over last 2.

That's strong economic record. Recovering from huge GOP recession. Heated seats are Obama's greatest invention. Caught out? Obama supporter is actually a registered Democrat. Obama to L. SpikeUp: 'Obama' up Required reading in order to debunk the Obama Lies. SidkaSG hahahahahaha es que ni Barack Obama!

Obama made clear to advisers that he was not happy about debating Mr. Romney, whom he views with disdain. Deze week in Clingendaels speciale Amerika verkiezingsnummer van Internationale Spectator mijn artikel over Romney versus Obama.

It's all the Obama Team ever need. BarackObama if Obama's so sure Mitt's wrong, let's see if he can say it to his face in their next debate. How big will the Obama foreign donor scandal be? MonicaCrowley Obama was not prepared for debate because he has no interest in debating..

NYT says B. RedEye dlrs. Romney needs to be cautious on foreign Policy malaise of Pres Obama. Romney's stupidity is not authority on these issues. Get the full trend NYTimeskrugman u r out of touch. Food, gas prices. My pocketbook is empty. Fact Check: Has Obama 'not signed one new free-trade agreement'? Get a grip, people. MittRomney NOW leads obama by 4 points. Keep it coming Mit! Can you even have an 18 pt shift statistically? He is nothing without them, for tha Romney won the Denver debate because Obama couldn't defend his economic record.

Lying had nothing to do with it obama democrats. In the word of my buddy "School petty! The founder of school petty! The supporters of the founder of the school petty! PrinceLexington Its both sides. Not Obama. Not Bush. Not the Senate. And not the House. Its ALL of them. They're ALL failing us. Sondaggi elettorali Usa Obama ancora avanti, Romney recupera.

The lady MC sucks Obama Roger Mugisha. RT kr3at: Why Syria? Letter: Obama's narcissism burdens his presidency: C. But, and this is critical, he recovered nicely on SA and, in particular, on SU' RT jennderya: Obama is trying to change the flag The flag has been the same forever.

I'll never pledge to you. Only my country. I would rather get a root canal than talk politics obama? IngrahamAngle I hope that using big bird as a way to attack romney will not only resonate how obnoxious he is obama but make ppl realize. It jus kinda hit me that Wil-I-am and president Obama are gonna be on campus today. That's pretty cool buckeyeperks. RT justinbieberINA: "Justin Bieber is the reason why i became the president, i fangirl over that kid everyday, and i love what he does With 18, friends in WI.

I've never been so torn about an election. I'm so not for Obama, but Romney and this trying to outlaw abortion?? Wtf election. RT allpromiseskept: How can anyone be upset at Josh Romney for comparing Obama to a child when Obama's main talking points now are Ses Well just when I thought there wasn't any Obama supporters in Hopkins county I see about 50 signs not to mention Paul Sadler signs.

Obama: "You may not have voted for me tonight, but I will be everyone's president. RT Angelashere: If you see this..


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