What type of compound is naoh

Sodium hydroxide is a highly versatile substance used to make a variety of everyday products, such as paper, aluminum, commercial drain and oven cleaners, and soap and detergents. Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda or lye, is a highly versatile substance used in a variety of manufacturing processes to make other products like paper or aluminum, for example.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Download the Products of the Sodium Hydroxide Tree. Tweets by AmChemistry.

Home Caustic Soda Sodium Hydroxide. Sodium Hydroxide in Energy In the energy sector, sodium hydroxide is used in fuel cell production. Sodium Hydroxide in Water Treatment Municipal water treatment facilities use sodium hydroxide to control water acidity and to help remove heavy metals from water. Sodium Hydroxide in Food Production Sodium hydroxide is used in several food processing applications, such as curing foods like olives or helping to brown Bavarian-style pretzels, giving them their characteristic crunch.

Sodium Hydroxide in Aluminum Ore Processing Sodium hydroxide is used to extract alumina from naturally occurring minerals. Sodium Hydroxide in Other Industrial Manufacturing Uses Sodium hydroxide is used in many other industrial and manufacturing processes.

Back to Top. Safety Information Due to its strong corrosive qualities, exposure to sodium hydroxide in its solid or solution form can cause skin and eye irritation , according to the U.

Answering Questions What are sodium hydroxide uses? Rather unnervingly, the destructive capability of sodium hydroxide is now used in various industrial food processes, from removing fruit skin to producing ice-cream.

You are also likely to find sodium hydroxide at work in paper mills. When paper is made from wood pulp, it starts with a mix of the substances lignin and cellulose, bonded together.

The sodium hydroxide breaks down the bonds, allowing the separation of the cellulose that will be used to form the paper. It can also be used to bleach the wood pulp to produce a white result.

If we look back into the origins of the word 'lye' the oldest name for sodium hydroxide, it comes from an old English word meaning 'wash stuff', and 'lye' was used as a term for strong soap from the 13th century onwards. It's a rare example of putting a lye to good use.

So, in the chemical industry, a lye can prove quite useful. That was Brian Clegg, with the soapy-clean chemistry of sodium hydroxide. Now, next week, a puff of paralysis. Tetrodotoxin, abbreviated to TTX, is obtained from the fugu fish, also known as the pufferfish, because when it is threatened it inflates its body to several times normal size.

Symptoms start within a few minutes of ingesting it; they begin with tingling or numbness of the lips and tongue. It spreads to other parts of the face, then more and more nerves and muscles are paralysed; the victim, who may remain fully conscious, becomes unable to move until they die of asphyxiation. And to find out just how the toxin has this effect, as well as how the pufferfish is safely served as a japanese delicacy, join Simon Cotton in next week's Chemistry in its element.

Until then, thank you for listening. I'm Meera Senthilingam. A DNA researcher tells the story of how humans have shaped the evolution of living things on Earth.

Site powered by Webvision Cloud. Skip to main content Skip to navigation. Related audio. Book club — Deep Sniff by Adam Zmith. Book club — Lessons from Plants by Beronda Montgomery. Sodium hydroxide. Brian Clegg proves how a lye can be useful in the chemical industry. Meera Senthilingam This week, some chemical lies. One perhaps unexpected use for caustic soda is in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals like blood thinners and cholesterol medication.

A versatile water treatment product, sodium hydroxide is often used to maintain the safety and cleanliness of pools by removing harmful metals like lead and copper. As a base, sodium hydroxide lowers acidity, regulating water's pH. Additionally, the compound can be used to create sodium hypochlorite, which further disinfects water. A co-product of the chlorine manufacturing process, caustic soda has been used for decades to create products that enhance our lives every day.

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