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If this has been your case, you most likely want to get out of Xiaomi's fastboot without spoiling anything. Even so, on certain occasions, exiting fastboot mode is more complex , either because Recovery starts or because our smartphone does not work correctly.
In view of this, below we are going to explain how to exit the fastbook mode of your Xiaomi if you have entered without wanting to. In addition, if the conventional mode does not work, we will also give you other tips to exit this mode without causing any damage at the software level. How to exit Xiaomi fastboot If we have accidentally entered the Xiaomi fastboot , to exit this way we will only have to perform the following steps: Press and hold the power button for about One of the most common problems in Xiaomi smartphones is usually related to the WiFi connection and its automatic disconnection.
A quite annoying problem, which in most cases is usually caused by a bad MIUI configuration. If you have a Xiaomi, Redmi or POCO and you notice that sometimes your smartphone disconnects only from the WiFi without having taken any action, do not miss this article where we tell you how to solve it in most cases.
Disconnection of WiFi on your Xiaomi, how to solve it Although it is true that the problem may be caused by some other failure, in most cases the spontaneous disconnection of the WiFi connection is caused by a bad MIUI configuration, specifically, its automatic connection to the networks with better signal.
By having this option activated on our smartphone, if the WiFi signal drops at any time, it will automatically disconnect to use the data connection. Among the multiple options that MIUI offers us we find the possibility of changing the source of our Xiaomi. This option will not only allow us to change the font , but also change the font color and size. For this it is necessary to make use of some Asian region, be it India, Hong Kong or any other. Go to the Themes application, download the font that we like the most from the new lower option that will appear with hundreds of fonts and then apply it.
After applying it, it will be necessary to restart our Xiaomi mobile. Once done , we will have installed the ne. Does your Xiaomi charge very slowly or intermittently?
This error is usually very common when our cable is in poor condition, we use a low-quality charger or even when the USB or USB Type-C port of your Xiaomi is dirty or obstructed. With a view to this, below we will explain the main steps or solutions to take if your Xiaomi charges slowly , if the charge is intermittent or if in the worst case, your mobile does not detect the USB that is connected to the socket electric.
Clean the USB port Although it may sound simple, in most cases slow charging problems are usually caused by a piece of paper or a speck of dust that obstructs the pins of the USB port.
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